Avalon Fairy Tales

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Millions... yes, millions of stories...

This is a routine that generates fairy tales. There is no guarantee that the fairy tales are worthy of publication, or that they will make sense. Every once in a while, there is a story worth looking a bit closer at.

There is no limit to the number of unique stories this will generate. Based on the number of combinations of the core components, there are millions of possible combinations. Like fairy tales throughout the world, you will find versions that look the same or similar, and they may even share the same origins and have been modified and retold so many times that they don't necessarily have the same main characters any more, or perhaps there are morals added where the originals had none.

The "Random Story" button starts at the same story each time you press it after reloading the page. If you want a totally random set of stories, enter a story number, then press "Generate Specific". Once that story comes up, switch to "Random Story" to generate random stories.

If you like a story, remember the number between the braces '[...]' displayed at the top of the story to re-create it later.