Avalon Metaphaze II
n 1996, the world of Metaphaze was conceived and brought to life with
a wild variety of backgrounds and composed web documents. It was unique in
that there were maps for many different parts of the world, including city maps
drawn with great painstaking (not to say time, as well). It was a place
that at one time, the author had time to run three PBM games in and around.
he problem soon became apparent, with only 65 major cities and a number of
continents, there would never be enough time to create the world itself.
Even today, a number of the city pages remain sparse of detail. There are
more than 100 Inn pages and a comparable number of castle pages. Many of
these contain very little detail. Because of this lack, the author
began looking at alternative methods to develop the detail he desired in the
world while allowing the world to more closely resemble a place to explore.
ou are now on the pages of that creation. It has been in development
since somewhere in the middle of 2000. The new creation gives birth to a
new realm in online world creation. While the number of created worlds on
the internet have exploded, many follow the same pattern originally developed
for the Metaphaze world.
It is called Avalon Metaphaze II for a number of reasons.
- Like the original Metaphaze, the world of Avalon is intended
to be a world of magic. It is a place where magic is so plentiful that
it allows the creation of everyday objects that resemble the real world.
- Avalon is the Arthurian world from which the sword Excalibur
originated and to which this great knight went upon his death in our world.
Basically, capitalizing on the fact that the world of Avalon touches our
world, gives some basis for the kinds of things that occur there.
- It is called Avalon because alphabetically, it will land at the top
of any web pages that reference similar worlds.
- Metphaze is an AD&D world. Avalon is that as well, but
is also unique in its concept.
You will find many things in this world.
- It is designed to be a place where you can explore its nooks and crannies
much like you did the original work of Metaphaze.
- It is also designed to literally be the largest world on the Internet.
Sure there will be those who follow with their own versions of this concept
and they may do it a bit better, a bit bigger, a bit prettier. Just
remember, Avalon Metaphaze II was the first to use this concept.
- It is designed around a whole plethora of specialty utilities that
generate dynamic content. Some of the better tools have been deployed
for use in a generic way. Others have done similar tools and published
them for use on the web. With Avalon, you can see how these same tools
have been put to work to create an elaborate and highly detailed world.
verall, it has been a long time in creation and there will be changes and
additions to what you find here today. In general, it is hoped that you
find a place that allows you to explore it with the same sense of discovery that
you would have traversing a real world.
Enjoy, Robert J Becraft.
