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"Aiee!  Der be adventures in dis werld.  Beware der goblins und der oder nasties!"
Avalon Metaphaze II: Solar System - Ga

The Sun is called Ga.  It is a G2 class star. 

Feature Ga Sol
Temperature (degrees kelvin) 5900 5860
Visual luminosity .97 1
Radius 1.02 1
Terrestrial Equivalent Orbit 1.05 AU 1 AU
Habitable Zone Min .9 AU .9 AU
Habitable Zone Max 1.10 AU 1.10 AU
Avalon Orbit .99 AU n/a
Expected Lifetime (billions of years) 10.50 10.10

81% Hydrogen
17% Helium
2% everything else
75% Hydrogen
24% Helium
2% everything else
AU = 149,597,870.691 KM = 93 million miles


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Robert J Becraft. 
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